Friday, August 14, 2015

Need a Good Laugh? Or at the very least, an out-loud giggle or snort?

Visit here. I was directed here via The Bloggess, a.k.a Jenny Lawson, and I just have to say,

NO, I haven't been feeling "depressed" lately, but this is the out-loudest I have giggled (or snorted) in quite some time. I think my fave is (unfortunately), #27. Please don't bother with the additional links at the bottom of the page. I wish I could link JUST the original article, but you all know how that works, kids. It doesn't.

Still, my profuse thanks to Jenny Lawson for linking that particular "article" in a recent weekly wrap-up (or, "shit she did when she wasn't here"). Love me some Jenny.


  1. I will go look! I really liked your phrase 'out-loudest', I think that you have coined a new term there!

    1. sometimes you just gotta coin a new phrase, knowhatimean? :)

  2. Replies
    1. hahahahaha! Was it #27 for you, too?

      btw, where ya been, sis?

    2. #27 was a bit - shall we say - much. I'm still torn about posting this on my wall, though. Too many "church" folk I don't wish to alienate. Sigh. I will never be able to live the thug life I'm afraid. No cojones.

      I've been - well - preoccupied, I suppose. I still follow along but I'm not even on Facebook that much, any more, either. Just tired, I guess. I will return. Still sorting the pieces of my life out. I'm fine. I'm not depressed. Just scattered.

    3. Well, I'm glad you're still here. I do miss our repartee, so I hope you get gathered soon.

  3. Ohhh thank you so much for this. My night has been made. My favourite with #19.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it. I highly recommend The Bloggess, if you haven't already added her to your reading list.

      And you're right about #19. I had to go back and re-peruse, of course!


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