Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Not quite my shortest day on set, but in the running...

My gig was changed.  I told y'all that. Got in last night after giving a lift across the hill to a fellow (? what's the feminine form of "compatriot"?) BG artist so she could catch a VALLEY-based train or bus instead of from set, and got the details for today's gig.  2:48 p.m. call time meant I could sleep in (not that I ever really do), and the location being the Universal Studios lot meant that I could take my time getting ready, and leave here around 2 to have time to spare (for walking from the parking deck to the soundstage).  So I got up early-ish, as I'm wont to do, felt a bit sniffly from "holding" in an outdoor tent for the previous two days and went back to bed.  Stephen got up and did what he had to do to get to work by 1.  After he left, I did what I had to do to be on set by 2:48.

Got checked in and approved by wardrobe and hair; went to "holding".  Got taken with our small group to get "propped" and went back to holding after a pit stop at Craft Services.  Around 4:30-ish, we were taken to the soundstage.  The actors did a blocking rehearsal, and then our P.A. read us the scene.  Then two BG artists were taken into the set, and the rest of us waited.  Then those two were brought back out, and we could hear them shooting the scene without us.  Then we got "de-propped". Then we heard, "Cut! Print! Wrap!" and clapping, and then they sent us all home.  I love my job. :)
BACK in my nightgown before six o'clock p.m.!

Amazon, yesterday in "holding".
Reclined on the ground behind her is the new friend I gave a lift to.
The three of us had FUN TIMES loading her mountain bike into the trunk
of my Honda Civic at wrap, and then Alison and I had MORE FUN TIMES
unloading it at the Universal Train Station! Yes, we ALL love our jobs.

In other exciting news from the world of a Background Artist, my friend Amazon was given a LINE on the set of the other show I worked yesterday and the day before!  You go, girl!


  1. Aw, That ain't workin' that's the way you do it, get your money for (almost) nothin' and your...well, whatevers.

    1. Bam-BAH bu-duh BAH-Dam-buh-dum-pah dum-puh...

      Yeah, thanks for that earworm, kimberlylynne

  2. Aww, I love hearing abut your glam life - in a nightgown by 6pm, it is the life isn't it!

    1. Stephen was very confused when he walked in from work this evening... as far as he could tell, all I'd done was add my robe and parked my butt right there on the futon ALL DAY! Yeah, mine is quite the glamorous life. NOT! ;)


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