Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day Twelve of Fifteen

Got plenty of sleep this morning and headed over to a job interview... and while I didn't get hired on-the-spot as I had fully expected, I was essentially bumped into the "next round" for a "first round" interview for a better job than the one I was applying for!  That interview is expected to happen on Thursday.

Tomorrow I've picked up a cashiering shift at the restaurant.

Thursday I'll be hired on-the-spot for the better job, and we'll see what day I start.

Friday will be Day Fifteen in a Row of productive, meaningful, income-producing work (yes, I am counting interview days as also being productive, meaningful, income-producing days).

SATURDAY, I will have an official day off, after fifteen consecutive productive, meaningful, income-producing days.

... unless I book some work. ;)


  1. How exciting! I'm so pleased for you. I just got the call this past Friday for my 90 day review. I've been asked to stay on full time. Things are really happening for us Mason women now! :-)

  2. Yay for both of you!! Work is good! Being productive is wonderful!! I love you both. Happy work days and Happy Thanksgiving!


I LOVE your feedback; give it to me, Baby. Uh-huh, uh-huh.