Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I'm making another thing

Inner Hippie was the first family member to "place an order" for my Moebius Scarflet, so I got some new yarn today to get started.

Sneak peak, this is all you get:


  1. I tried telling Brian what you were making me but he doesn't quite get it. He will, though. Can't wait to wear it. Thank you sis. Youre the bestest!

    1. I would have gotten further along, but I'm still new at this, so of course I had to restart a few times. I'm hopeful it turns out as well as mine - this yarn is very twisty!

  2. Uh...hello? I'm cold in Canada.

    1. Um, hello? Lee, so far, I love you like a brother, but as far as we know, we're not yet even 18th cousins, eleventy times removed! My first post DID very clearly state "family" as my beta test. But fear not - we're also possibly extended family with another Canadian resident who knits A LOT. Her name is Holly; she's an English expat in Hamilton; she was the inspiration for the Moebius Scarflet; her blog is called "Full of Beans (and Sausages)". Check it out! Maybe you'll somehow drag her over to Stranger, and even if we never find out we're all kin, it'll still be like family. The Strangest!

    2. Fine, be that way.

      I'm telling mom.

      MoooOOOOOOOOOooooommmmmmmmm, Emelle's not knitting anything for me!!!

    3. Is Eli "Mom"? 'Cuz if so, you're telling on the wrong page. Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah. Pbbbbbbbbbbth! :)

      btw, I'm not knitting at all. I'm CROCHETING.

  3. I love that I know what the word 'moebius' means now!

    1. You ARE, of course the inspiration for this design! As well, possibly, as being the inspiration for me even bothering to LEARN to crochet, because of all your Yarn Along posts!

      I'm so glad we read each other, Holly. By the way, have you met Lee^? He lives in Canada, too! :) (Not like Canada's a small place or anything; it would definitely be a FEAT for the two of you to happen to know each other. I'm just being Silly.)


I LOVE your feedback; give it to me, Baby. Uh-huh, uh-huh.