Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Did the rodent see his shadow?

I wasn't paying attention to news or weather or anything like that today. I did what I always do on February 2nd, if I'm not working.

I spent the day watching Bill Murray grow in his character of Phil Connors and then start back at one to do it again. Seriously. Every Year, I marathon Groundhog Day all day...

So what happened in your/the world today? Anything fun?


  1. The rodent did NOT see his shadow for the first time in my recollection - ever - this was a new one on me. Apparently spring will be early this year.

    1. YAY! Early Spring! What does that mean, exactly? March 20th? LOL

    2. You made me laugh Emelle. For once.

    3. WHAT, Lee? "For once"?!?!?! I thought I ALWAYS make you laugh! I mean, I know I'm no ELI, but still...

    4. Dude, you're getting spit on my shirt.

    5. Listen, Chickie, you gonna stand so close to my raspberries, you gonna get spit on your shirt. ;)


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