Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Time... is it on our side, or does it keep on slippin' (slippin' slippin') into the future?

Selling furniture...
     or dolls...
          or books...
               or tools...
                    or clothing...
                         or what-have-you...
is both exhilarating and a bit depressing.  
We know we have to do it, this downsizing thing.  We enjoy the freedom our lives will have when we pack up a little 5 x 8 shipping container.  We like the idea of "starting fresh" when we get there.  I'm a little scared to leave my "comfort zone" of stuff.

My birthday is in three weeks.  I'm hoping to have one last get-together with the friends I've made here.  I know how people are; I'm not expecting a big turn-out.

I bought ingredients for cheesecake and ice cream, to make from scratch, here.  I need to go ahead and do that now, now that the weather is sweltering AND my birthday is in three weeks.

Damn.  Sure feels like the latter.  Do I sound depressed?  Sorry about that - I watched "Les Miserables" this evening, and I think I'm trying to process its appeal.  SPOILER ALERT - Every Damn Body dies!  And even though Javert redeems himself, he doesn't get to sing the big "we're so happy we're dead" finale!  Whaddup wid dat?

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